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Showing posts with label Addon Domain is not Working. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Addon Domain is not Working. Show all posts

Addon Domain is not working in cpanel

We are sharing this post for System Administrator. We are getting above error when your domain is not pointing correctly. Go with following way to resolve your issue and your website would be work fine.
  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Go to Addon Domains under DOMAINS tab.
  3. Copy the Addon Domain which has created.
  4. Point this Addon Domain to Server IP Address.
Your domain would be work fine. Customer must need to contact with Support System Admin to resolve this issue because they will point your Addon Domain to your Server IP Address.

Addon domain is not working, there may be another reason for this. Sometimes you have not uploaded your content under root directory means public_html.
Go with following way to upload your content under public_html directory.
  1. Login to cpanel.
  2. Go to File Manager. 
  3. Go to Public_html directory
  4. Upload your content.
Your domain would be working fine.
You can upload your data using FTP. You can use FileZilla to upload your content.
Go with following way to upload your content using FileZilla.

Host: Insert host name or Server IP Address
Username: Username of FTP account
Password: Password of FTP account
Port: 21

Related Commands

find; used to find files.
chmod; used to change permission on file and Directory.

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घर बैठे ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के 25 आसान तरीके
घर बैठे ऑनलाइन पैसे कमाने के 25 आसान तरीके

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