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Change Default Remote Desktop Protocol port 3389 in Windows Server

We can access Windows Server remotely with Remote Desktop through the TCP port 3389. 3389 is a default port to access Windows Server. Change the remote access port number is more secure environment. This article explains you how to change default port number to access Windows Server. Go with following steps to change your port number.

1. Connect to your server through Remote Desktop
2. Click on Windows logo. Open "Run" dialog box. Just type "Run" after open Windows logo.
3. Open registry editor by typing "regedit" command without double quotes in "Run" dialog box. You will see one pop up dialog box as follow.
4. Now select one by one option as given below.    Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations
5. Now click on RDP-Tcp. At right side, search as PortNumer and Double Click on it as follow.
6. Select Decimal option from Base. You will see Port number in Value data.
7. Now you can insert port number as you want to change (for example, you can change to 3390) for Remote Desktop connection.
8. Click on "Ok" button. Now your port number has been changed.
9. Restart your server/Computer.

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